Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Very upset, mad & angry!!!

He went to a wake for the past 2 nights. Tonight, he will be a driver. Why? Whenever she asked him to do anything, he'll obliged. But whenever I asked him for something, refusal is his reply for 90% of the time.

What am I? Where am I in his list of priority? I am always the LAST priority!!!

Even simple stuff like going to the supermarket with me on weekdays is a chore to him. I have to be the one who always do all the grocery, by myself, lugging with me bags of food home. And he, just eat it happily. No physical help from him, no financial help as well. I am WORST than a maid!!! The maid don't even need to pay for anything!!!

Why am I paying, cleaning, doing everything for the family? And he just gets to enjoy all these, and not even appreciative!!! And abusing me verbally & physically!!! One day, I will end all these sufferings!

I have been making mistake after mistake in my relationship. But I can't just quit for this one. But many times, I thought of living by myself again. Why am I supporting the family? Everything from salt to rice to diapers is from my own pocket.

Why do I have to work so hard? And he just takes everything for granted!!!

Sometimes, I thought of leaving with Sheyenne. I think we might be happier by ourselves. So the dad can't use rubberband to abuse her. What a brilliant idea his mom has suggested!!! RUBBERBANDS !!!

I really feel like returning him to his mom. I feel like an outsider. Never feel I am HIS family. NEVER !!!

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Sheyenne OHM

My little princess has been rejecting her Chinese name recently. Insist that she is Sheyenne, not baby, no JingRu. And she like to emphasize her family name. But instead of pronouncing it as Ong, she will pronounce as Ohm. So she is Sheyenne Ohm.

We laugh at that. Cute, isn't it.

She is also a rather stubborn girl. When she wants to do something such as keeping her toys, if you keep them for her. She will take it out, and put it back. She is also rather particular. If things are not place in the same location as what she wanted. She will insist you place it in the position that she wants.

This little one, makes me happy, makes me mad.